Jesus's Story An act-out play for home, and church special events.
You will need the following things:
1. Five friends. 2. Props such as walking staffs, bulging knapsacks,stick horses, and a chocolate or plastic gold coin. 3. Long, colored robes, scarfs, knit hats, and brown sandals. 4. A script. (If you don't already know the story, I suggest you read that part in the bible.)
If you are running short, let's say, and you want to read it now, I will tell you the story here:
Long ago, in Egypt, there was and injured man lying on the ground. Some robbers had attacked the man and no one was around. Then, a priest walked along. He looked at the man on the ground, but didn't help him. Then a temple worker came along. Again, he didn't do anything. Finally, a good Samaritan came along. He bandaged the man's wounds and took him to an inn. He gave the innkeeper money to take care of the injured man.