Monday, May 30, 2011

Questions Which Won't Be Answered!

Little Molly Jenkins asks when will trees start talking while little Georgie Falcon wonders were does cotton candy grow and when will birds become a food group?


I got this little perk from the Electric Company!

No, not this version.

This, version!

It may be for little kids, but some sixteen year olds watch this. Yeah, I'm not alone!!

Anyway, You should watch it! The characters are listed below.

The Electric Company

  1. Hector 
  2. Keith
  3. Jessica (Hector's sister)
  4. Lisa
  5. Marcus (In later seasons)
The Pranksters
  1. Francine
  2. Annie
  3. Danny
  4. Manny
  5. Gilda (Again, in later seasons)
  6. Robot (Manny's robot)
The Electric Diner
  1. Shock
  2. Keith's dad
  3. Paul the Gorilla (from the old electric company)
It's very funny and educational, I even learned a few words!

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